Enterprise Solution With High Speed Unlimited Internet Plans

1 Month
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  • Internet upto
    20 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹599*
3 Months
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  • Internet upto
    20 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹1707*
6 Months
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  • Internet upto
    20 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹3307*
12 Months
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  • Internet upto
    20 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹6614*
1 Month
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  • Internet upto
    30 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹636*
  • 1 Month Plan + OTT ₹848*
3 Months
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  • Internet upto
    30 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹1811*
  • 3 Months Plan + OTT ₹2449*
6 Months
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  • Internet upto
    30 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹3509*
  • 6 Months Plan + OTT ₹4654*
12 Months
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  • Internet upto
    30 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹7018*
  • 12 Months Plan + OTT ₹8713*
1 Month
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  • Internet upto
    40 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹718*
  • 1 Month Plan + OTT ₹930*
3 Months
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  • Internet upto
    40 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹2046*
  • 3 Months Plan + OTT ₹2796*
6 Months
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  • Internet upto
    40 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹3963*
  • 6 Months Plan + OTT ₹5108*
12 Months
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  • Internet upto
    40 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹7926*
  • 12 Months Plan + OTT ₹9621*
1 Month
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  • Internet upto
    50 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹1099*
  • 1 Month Plan + OTT ₹1311*
3 Months
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  • Internet upto
    50 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹3132*
  • 3 Months Plan + OTT ₹3770*
6 Months
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  • Internet upto
    50 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹6067*
  • 6 Months Plan + OTT ₹7212*
12 Months
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  • Internet upto
    50 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹12134*
  • 12 Months Plan + OTT ₹13829*
1 Month
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  • Internet upto
    75 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹1599*
  • 1 Month Plan + OTT ₹1811*
3 Months
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  • Internet upto
    75 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹4557*
  • 3 Months Plan + OTT ₹5195*
6 Months
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  • Internet upto
    75 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹8827*
  • 6 Months Plan + OTT ₹9972*
12 Months
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  • Internet upto
    75 Mbps
  • Normal Plan ₹17654*
  • 12 Months Plan + OTT ₹19349*
1 Month
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  • Internet upto
    100 Mbps
  • Normal Plan 1999*
  • 1 Month Plan + OTT 2211*
3 Months
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  • Internet upto
    100 Mbps
  • Normal Plan 5697*
  • 3 Months Plan + OTT 6335*
6 Months
  • image not found
  • Internet upto
    100 Mbps
  • Normal Plan 11034*
  • 6 Months Plan + OTT 12179*
12 Months
  • image not found
  • Internet upto
    100 Mbps
  • Normal Plan 22068*
  • 12 Months Plan + OTT 23763*
*Additional 18 %GST Applicable on All plans
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What you get with DNA GOA High Speed Internet

  • 1
    Dedicated Fiber
    Most suitable for MNCs, BPOs, Call Centers, Telcos.
  • 2
    Unmatched Speed
    Low latency connectivity ensuring high upload speed.
  • 3
    Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6)
    Enhanced security with IPv6 connectivity for future-ready networks.
  • 4
    24/7 Support
    Service at your door step by in-house operation experts.

What you get with DNA GOA High Speed Internet

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Widest Reach
Extensive network spans states, territories, cities, 2 Lakh+ villages worldwide.
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Best Browsing Experience
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Easy Scalability
Embark on a journey of seamless connectivity with DNA Broadband in Goa. We’re dedicated to delivering high-speed internet, ensuring you experience the best in online connectivity. Explore the DNA difference today!
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Frequently asked Questions

Answers to common queries about high-speed internet.

Enterprise broadband is typically devoted to business internet needs. It commonly accompanies quicker download and upload speeds, a strong client support office, more features suitable for business, and ensured service. Residential broadband will offer a lower speed plans that would suffice residential needs

Business/Enterprise Broadband Internet tends to be faster than residential internet for smooth, uninterrupted functioning.

DNA Goa has helped numerous enterprises realise their true technological potential. Companies get to decide the bandwidths they need. We supplement these decisions with a little advice on the networking gear that can be used viz., Firewalls, Routers, Switches etc, completely installed by us. This makes DNA Goa the best broadband for enterprises and businesses.